Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

Madame Frou-Frou’s Stargazers

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Good news first, eh champ? You may already see a line-up for future Valentine’s dates, or for a Tiger party. Roaaarr!! Madame Frou-Frou suggests putting all of your energy into whatever plans or projects you need to complete while the good vibes are around. The Bad news is that your sibs or folks are giving you more grief than usual. Don’t let them rain on your parade.

The Jakarta Post’s Youthspeak, Volume 3, February 2010

Meh. Dunno why I post this. It just that it’s quite interesting to read on.

3:32 AM

3:32 AM and I’m up all awake already.

Robin Thicke’s songs are running on the iTunes.

But I dunno… I’m currently having these thoughts going on inside my mind.

Weird thoughts about life. About family. About friends (kinda miss them… just went through some photo browsing on my Facebook account). About work (and how I’m thinking that work has changing the way I am). About future (this one… I dunno… Always makes me… anxious).

3:37 AM

Still no signs of falling asleep.

Those things still runinng up through my head.

I have a lot of questions currently haunting my mind.

Am I happy?

Am I too intense?

Am I insecure about myself?

Am I overreacting a little bit about… well… everything?

3:39 AM

Another can of Coke.

I should’ve get me some sleep… Should I?

And how was your year?

Ladies and gentlemen… as you can see above, Ms Sandra Bullock. One of the most beloved actresses of her generation. Errr… no, I didn’t mean to make this post as a way to worship her (Ms Kate Winslet, you are still my rock!). But read the lines on that Entertainment Weekly’s cover.



Two Huge Hits, $300 Million.

Oscar Buzz for THE BLIND SIDE.

And how was your year?

Yes, read the last line. And how was your year? Well… apparently, Ms Bullock manages to do many amazing stuffs throughout 2009, in movies. Two successfull box office movies, The Proposal and The Blind Side, (What? All About Steve? What is that?). Not only that, her performance on The Blind Side got the critics buzzing over her first ever Oscar’s nomination. It’s definetely an astonishing year for Ms Bullock.

But then… it got me thinking. And how was my year?

Hmmm… how was my year? Well… I guess it won’t be as extravagant as Ms Bullock’s year, but hell yeah… I’m doing pretty fine this year. I mean, I’m still holding on to my career as a journalist. And when I wrote “holding on” I really mean it as… well… holding on. The job is one of the most toughest jobs in the world.

Have you watched The Devil Wears Prada? Seriously, the movie’s description of how Andy Sachs facing her boss is just the exact same how I’m dealing with mine now. I’M NOT JOKING!!! But then… just like Andy Sachs, I believe that this is also the beginning of my journey of something big in my future. And I believe that if I can make it here, I really can make it anywhere. And alhamdulillah, I can safely say that I’m doing really well at the office that I got a little promotion few times.

The non-career? Hmmm… I don’t know. I don’t have any exciting thing to talk about my ehmmm… love life. Hey… I met some of my online friends this year. They’re pretty nice. And then… well… my family. No matter what, I always consider having a family like mine is an achievement.

So yahhh… that’s all. Pretty boring, I guess. I dunno but I’m so looking forward to 2010. I’ve got myself some life plans and really looking forward whether I can make it or not. Mehhh… at least I will still have my family…

By the way, how was your year?

Alone… with everybody.

I bet you wouldn’t believe me if I told you that I was a geek in the past. A loner geek. Yes, I was. I dunno why I blog this but… damn… I miss those good old days.

I spent my school days as a really, really, really good boy. A bright shiny A student. I never came late. Always sit still quiet on my chair, listened carefully to the teachers, and did all my tasks. Every teachers love me. My friends love me too… well, since I always did the homework. Hmmm… I was quite a popular one during those days.

Anyway, to cut the story short, I remember that I have a really weird habit whenever my classes were over. I always going somewhere alone… somewhere strange… some place where no one recognizes me. Either it’s a mall (yes, you can laugh), a park, a book store, cyber cafe, or just taking a bus and let the bus drove me somewhere far.

Or maybe like at night… I took my motorcycle off to a dark, empty soccer field, make a stop there and just sat there and enjoying the view of the night sky.

Why did I do that, you ask? I dunno. I just like the feeling of being alone and didn’t get recognized by anyone else. It’s like… I always trying to find my secret hiding place. The place where I can be alone even with crowded human surrounding me.

I always find it comforting to be in somewhere strange and unknown. Even if there are a lot of people around, but if it’s a strange place for me, it would feel like being alone and empty… but with everybody.

And look at my life now… Not that I’m complaining or anything… it just that I really miss those days when I can be somewhere else free… alone… strolling alone with no exact place to go. Yeah… well… I guess grown up people didn’t really do something like that. Grown up people socialize.

But I mean it… Someday I’m going to find my hiding place. My secret place. My sweet escape out of this messy crowded world.

Yes, I can!

Thursday, 23 July 2009 13:10 PDF Print E-mail
Waspada Online terima penghargaan jurnalistik
Warta Nasional & Politik

JAKARTA – Wartawan media portal Waspada Online, Amir Syarif Siregar menerima penghargaan dalam lomba karya jurnalistik olahraga. Lomba diselenggarakan berkaitan dengan turnamen bulutangkis Djarum Indonesia Open Series 2009 di Istora Senayan Jakarta, pada 16 Juni – 21 Juni 2009.

Artikel jurnalistik yang dianggap juri masuk kategori terbaik itu berjudul ‘Kiprah Djarum Perkuat Bulutangkis Indonesia’ yang dimuat di Waspada Online ( 25 Juni 2009. Tulisan tersebut ditulis bersama Satriadi Tanjung. Tulisan ini berupa laporan khusus tentang peran PT Djarum dalam mendukung olahraga bulutangkis.

Menurut Ketua Seksi Wartawan Olahraga PWI Pusat, Raja Pane, artikel liputan yang ada selama turnamen berjumlah 1.100 artikel, sementara untuk foto sendiri berjumlah 540 buah. Dalam seleksinya selama tiga tahap, artikel pada tahap pertama yang lolos berjumlah 100 artikel. Tahap kedua, diambil 20 finalis dan kemudian terakhir, diambil sebanyak 10 orang.

“Ini sebenarnya bukan yang menang, tapi yang kami nilai terbaik, diantaranya ada sepuluh orang,” ujar Raja Pane dalam penerimaan media award sekaligus konferensi pers Djarum Sirkuit Nasional Bulutangkis 2009 di Resto Penang Bristo, Jakarta, tadi siang.

Beberapa wartawan lain yang memperoleh penghargaan dalam kategori artikel diantaranya Fitrianto (Harian Indonesia), Delia M (Jurnal Nasional), Putra P Teguh (Top Skor), Erw F (Tabloid Bola), Ray Soemartono (Sinar Harapan), Iwan K (Media Indonesia), Zulchrifi S (Harian Merdeka), Femi diah (Jawa Pos), dan Bambang (Majalah B&B). Masing-masing mendapat uang tunai sebesar Rp5 juta.

Selain itu, dalam acara itu juga diberikan penghargaan untuk kategori foto-foto terbaik antara lain Wahyu Wening (Jurnal Nasional), Andri Kurniady (Bisnis Indonesia), Iwan Tri Wahyudi (Indo Pos), Erly Bachtiar (Tabloid Bola), Kristianto Purnomo (, SafirMakki (Jakarta Globe), Abdul Rahim (Harian Merdeka), Andhika Wahyu (Antara), Crack Palinggi (Reuters), Dan Sumaryanto (Media Indonesia).

Juri dalam lomba ini antara lain Raja Pane (Ketua Dewan Juri), Image Dynamic (2 orang), dan PT Djarum (2 orang).

A wake up call?

Amir Syarif Siregar and high hopes… followed by heartbreak.

Titis Sapto Raharjo
Titis Sapto Raharjo

Jangan terlalu terbang tinggi dulu om, nanti sakit 😮
Sat at 2:22am · Delete

Amir Syarif Siregar
Amir Syarif Siregar

Tapi kalau tidak terbang tinggi, tidak bisa lihat pemandangan yang indah dari atas, paman… 😦
Sat at 2:23am · Delete

Titis Sapto Raharjo
Titis Sapto Raharjo

Cuma kalo belum mempunyai sayap yang kokoh, mendingan gausah terbang dulu paman, jadikan cita2 melihat pemandangan yg indah itu sebagai motivasi selagi terus melatih sayap kita agar kokoh dan benar untuk terbang tinggi. Selamat belajar paman 🙂

Amir Syarif Siregar
Amir Syarif Siregar

@ Paman Titis: Wow. Pagi-pagi saya mendapat wejangan dan penyemangat yang sangat berharga dari paman Titis… 😮 Terima kasih, paman. Saya akan terus belajar untuk melatih sayap dan akan terbang tinggi. Wish me luck!
Sat at 2:33am · Delete

Titis Sapto Raharjo
Titis Sapto Raharjo

Jangan putus asa paman, jadikan pengalaman jatuh itu menjadi sebuah pengalaman berharga utk kedepannya paman. Saya yakin paman akan bisa mengepakkan sayap lebih lebar, terbang tinggi dan tidak akan pernah jatuh lagi 🙂

Didoakan paman! :shakehand :beer:

Sat at 2:36am · Delete

Amir Syarif Siregar
Amir Syarif Siregar

Lucky to know someone as wise as uncle Titis.
Thank you very much, Sir!


Sat at 2:46am · Delete

Another blog on the wall

After a long time leaving the blog world for a little while, I’ve decided to go back, and starting to write again.

Hopefully, this time, it will last.
